But, when I write, the words tend to flow, I rarely have to sit and struggle for those words to come. Yes I occasionally have a "block" but that tends to be on writing as a whole rather than on a specific piece of writing. Which is what I have at the moment due to life being so chaotically busy!
In recent weeks however, I have taken an interest in Haiku ~ more so Haiku in English as explained in wiki HERE (now I don't normally like wiki, but it explains it pretty well) but writing in such limited words, such defined patterns seems so limited to me, probably because I am so used to having the freedom to write, to express whatever I wanted, how I wanted and having the control to do so. (Yes even writing comes down to control lol) So, having a limit placed upon myself by the confines Haiku, makes it a form of writing that isn't or doesn't come naturally to me.
But even in such limited words, some examples of Haiku in English I have read say so much, they create an image, a picture, a vision, they bring feeling, emotion, thought. They bring food for thought, creating a whole host of images that can lead to so much more, all from 17 syllables.
You would think it was easy right?
But, it is in fact quite hard to do when you first try to write, limiting to 17 syllables (in English Haiku that is, as traditional is very different), but trying to make the words, to give them a meaning and to give them feeling within those limited words isn't easy.
It is a challenge . . .and I like a challenge *grins*
I am going to "dabble" in trying to write, to create in Haiku in English, something else to get the creative juices flowing and am going to include them here in my blog, a lot I am sure will be related to Ds, to FLRs, to the things that are close to my heart.
But lets get started . . .
Words to express so
much in so little
is not easy to achieve.
Looking into your eyes
takes me into the depths
of your soul and you.
My heart beats
in erratic rhythm and passion
as it longs for you.